This symbol is insipred by the term Apana. The necklace reminds us to even value the process of letting go
Apana is the second-most important of the five vayus, or types, of prana in Hatha yoga and Ayurveda. Vayu is a Sanskrit word that means "wind" and refers to the movement of prana through the body. Apana vayu is responsible for regulating the outward flow of prana from the body and governs elimination of physical wastes and toxins from the body.
Apana is the second-most important of the five vayus, or types, of prana in Hatha yoga and Ayurveda. Vayu is a Sanskrit word that means "wind" and refers to the movement of prana through the body. Apana vayu is responsible for regulating the outward flow of prana from the body and governs elimination of physical wastes and toxins from the body.